
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Evaluating 2013

Due to lack of blogging, one might concluded that we have fallen off the face of the earth. Truth is, we are still here and we are still kicking. Just life is changing and evolving, sometimes faster than we want.

2013, What did it bring?

The New Year give us all an opportunity to reflect on the past, and decided that path we want to pursue or let go of. In the year of 2013, I have experienced parenting first hand. I have had many priceless moments with our daughter, and already a lot of self evaluation on the person I want her to be raised by.

As a mom, I have learned that sweating the small stuff doesn't create happiness. Every moment I have with my child is a gift and a blessing. She is learning and growing, and throwing tantrums is a part of her development. I need to help learn to self soothe now so she can learn to handle conflict in her future. Most importantly, love is always the best teacher. That doesn't mean she never hears the word "no". I find it essential that she does, and know that there are boundaries. However, it does mean that as soon as she hears the word know and stops the behavior, I should automatically show her and increase of love and know that she is still loved.

As a wife, I have learned that pride ruins everything. I am probably one of the most prideful individuals that I know, I hate admitting I cannot do something. Also, I despise admitting I am wrong. In a marriage, it is extremely obvious as to why that could be a problem. I have learned by letting go of pride and racing to be the first to say I'm sorry, truly can make the difference.

As a friend, I've concluded that i have room for improvement. Friends tend to come in my life as fast as they go out of my life. The most important lesson I've learned the last couple years is this, "the people that want to be in your life, will make it a priority to be there." Maybe not everyday, but they will make sacrifices that show you they care. In return, there are quite a few people that I wish I was more apart of their lives, because I truly do love and care for them. This is why I have room for improvement. On the flip side, I've also been apart of the one sided friendship, where I have made all the effort and there is no reciprocation. At some point, you just need to focus on those that want to be present in your life.

As a person, 2013 had its moments for me. Moments of pure happiness- I could go on and on ranting about those, moments of sadness- It always breaks my heart having someone I care about hurt, moments of pure stupidity- enough is said about that one, moments of laughter, which I live for. Most importantly, moments that improve my spirituality.

This is not a post of finding pity. In fact, for me, this is a post of evaluation. You can't know where you want to go until you have acknowledged where you have been.

When my brother passed away in 2010, I was beyond devastated. Needless to say, I knew I had a choice, I could either continue to be angry, hurt, spiteful of his death or I could choose to honor the person that he was. I am convinced that I was raised with an angel. Someone who was giving, kind, forgiving, patient, loving, and everything else you could imagine. I vowed that I would become a much better version of myself and honor him in my actions. (This does not mean I don't make mistakes, for I tell you I do, but it does mean that I will try to correct them.)

Which this all brings me to 2014, and my desire to improve in all aspects of life. I cannot wait for the new beginnings of our adventure, and future opportunities that we will explore. I love being a mom, and live for the lessons my daughter teaches me. I know that we are truly blessed, and cannot express my gratitude enough for God as my companion.

My only hope for all of you is that you make 2014 better than 2013. This does not mean that difficulties and trials wont come your way, but I pray that we all can change our attitudes on how we handle them and make 2014 even better.

xoxo, till next time!